Saturday, September 15, 2007

Last Call For Virtual Vacations!!!

The Tour Guides want to make sure that ALL tourists receive a virtual vacation. If you have NOT received a vacation yet and have not already let Anne, Jessi, or Sharon know or emailed virtualvacationswap @ yahoo dot com please do so ASAP or forever hold your peace.

Also, we might, we are not 100% sure yet, need an extra Angel tour guide or two. We did have a few reserve tour guides but may need a few more. If you think you can represent your city/state again in a VERY short time frame on very short notice for someone who's original tour guide went MIA, please email us at: virtualvacationswap @ yahoo dot com with ANGEL TOUR GUIDE in the subject line. Whether or not we will need you, we thank you enormously, in advance, just for volunteering!!!